The faster a new Buyer psychologically moves themselves into the home, the faster your sale. What tools do you currently use to facilitate this?
Unlike photos or a video tour, SMARTePLANS® focus the Buyer on the space …. NOT the decorating or presentation by the current owner.
The floor plan format gives them something they can hold in their hand, doodle notes on, and study at home … they don’t have to be hooked into the computer, they can sit in their easy chair and dream about the possibilities for THEIR family in THAT space.
Sadly, it is human nature to evaluate or judge the existing decorating of a room as being “the room”; people cannot separate the decorating from THE ROOM.
On this page, for example, you can see two very different bedrooms … and its doubtful that the DECORATING would appeal to the same buyer, but the size of the room, the location and size of the windows and the other attributes of the room may be just what they are looking for!
But because it is so very difficult for most people to superimpose their furnishings in their mind’s eye over what its there NOW —- they can not “SEE IT”. They are unable to picture their furniture, their lifestyle —- in someone else’s setting. SMARTePLANS helps them SEE IT.
SMARTePLANs lets Buyers concentrate on the space, layout, and contiguous space …. long before they form a judgment against the house —- based on the present decorating style and furnishings.
If a furniture-moving floor plan has been provided, potential buyers can actually arrange furniture within each room …. choosing from a menu of pre-drawn furniture symbols that are dynamically scaled to the proper scale … and they can change the size of each furniture piece to suit their needs. A very easy way to be sure everything is going to fit as expected.