Investors (Rightfully) Ask: “What is the Benefit to Me?”
The largest benefit is a fairly rapid ROI on expanding a proven business with two U.S. patents, a federally registered trademark, over 600 copyrights and a 18 Year track record of success correlated by verifiable third-party data.
The SMARTePLANS® Marketing System, utilizing its jewel-in-the-crown patented floor plan drawings, has proven itself in the luxury real estate market. Eighteen years of MLS data through inarguably some of the worst years in the history of real estate reveals three consistent, positive, and measurable results:
- Shorter days on market
- Higher property sales prices, and
- A high level of sustained satisfaction and confidence from both Listing Agents, and their Home Seller Clients.
SMARTePLANS is a use-every-tool-in-the-toolbox sort of company. We believe in continuously improving our products by listening to our customers and being attentive to their needs. We design and deploy unique products that satisfy their demand for increased marketing effectiveness, while building their own brand equity.
The time is right for expansion and there are several routes to success. Whatever route we choose must “work” all the way down to the agent/broker level and one model for that expansion potential is outlined in the Broker Centric Business Model.
Simply put, it licenses the SMARTePLAN technology to individual high end real estate brokers and trains their personnel, giving the Broker control over both the production and costing of producing high quality SMARTePLAN marketing materials. However, the most desirable aspect of the BCBM is likely twofold:
(1) those who are first in their market…. have the opportunity to secure exclusive territories for themselves with sole supplier status in selected geographic areas -and-
(2) allows Brokers the ability to brand their own floor plans if they wish (while recommended, they do not have to use the SMARTePLAN name )
The perception is SMARTePLANs are designed for ” MLS-type” property sales. Keep in mind that SMARTePLANS are equally effective for auctions, leases and rentals of (vacation) properties. It’s unlikely these are currently high activity business areas for most real estate brokers. We explain how utilizing SMARTePLANS marketing materials transforms these business areas into an ongoing and very attractive revenue stream. SMARTePLANS is a broker paradigm shift.
Licensing with SMARTePLANS not only increases the broker’s revenue stream from current operations, but enables additional revenue streams that were perhaps previously unattractive to them (with little or no additional cost / effort to the Broker beyond the initial licensing agreement).
This is discussed in more detail in the Broker’s section and is worth reviewing by interested investors — because whichever route we choose as our path to expand, our success lies with core competencies and implementation at the BROKER level. [Link: Applying the Broker Centric Business Model]
Possible target cities near Houston suitable for utilizing this route for expansion via the Broker Centric Business Model are: Dallas, Austin and San Antonio.
While the Broker Centric Business Model enables a viable slow-and-steady growth rate for SMARTePLANs, alternate expansion routes provide both more rapid growth and greater ROI, and therefore perhaps a more attractive exit strategy for potential investors.
Sell / License The Technology to National Luxury Franchises
Sell / License the Technology to Established Luxury Firms in Coveted Locations
There are areas in the world that have a very high demand for property ownership (on a global level); Hawaii, The Hamptons, Manhattan, and Beverly Hills all come to mind. Marketing to potential property buyers interested in these areas needs to transcend both time zones and language barriers.. and SMARTePLANS delivers. Leading real estate firms located in these areas who have established their expertise would be interested in licensing with SMARTePLANs so they could RETAIN the market share leadership and reputation they have cultivated and built up over many years. Less established firms in these locations would be interested in licensing with SMARTePLANs as a technological advantage and means of taking market share away from established market leaders.
Sell / License the Technology to Luxury Real Estate Membership / Affiliate Firms
Christie’s Great Estates, Luxury Portfolio International and Luxury Real are a few examples of networks that act as online aggregators of luxury real estate properties compiled from their many members and affiliate members. While they are not a broker or franchise per se, they may be interested to license the SMARTePLAN marketing technology for two main reasons:
(1) to cascade it to their membership on a fee basis, thereby increasing revenues as well as membership and
(2) to keep it out of the hands of others
National Real Estate Firms
You don’t have to be a “luxury” real estate firm in order to be actively interested in acquiring an increased market share of high value properties — the top 2% of the real estate pie. Nearly every national real estate franchise has established a “luxury division” under their branded umbrella. Licensing with SMARTePLANS provides them a technological advantage over their competition and differentiation in the luxury market place — BOTH are very powerful advantages in capturing a leading share of the luxury market — which they can then cascade to their members on a fee basis.
Do You Have the Vision?
Simply put, there are no comparable marketing products in real estate at this time. I have the background, the history of success, the know-how and the momentum. When deployed correctly SMARTePLANS could well become the paradigm shift / game changer technology that reaps profits and benefits in the near term, the far term and for many years to come.
If you are an interested and qualified investor and “see” how SMARTePLANS can be profitable for you, I welcome your interest and questions. I look forward to listening to you, to the opportunity for dialogue and to the exchange of ideas. [Link: Investor FAQ’s]