For Buyers, and buyer’s agents, whoever tours the home in person ….. a SMARTePLAN® provides an ideal format to take notes as they walk through …noting wall and carpet colors, special features they like a lot, or fixed items in each room that are included in the sale of the house.
Many agents report buyers showing up to tour the home clutching a printed SMARTePLAN with notes scribbled around the margins. It’s clear they spent time studying the property’s features and finishes in advance of their onsite tour. That’s always a good sign of a high level of buyer interest in the property.
And what about those who haven’t had the opportunity to preview the property online first? Well, what a great way to help them REMEMBER the features of your listing. We all know Buyers frequently get overwhelmed in trying to both remember and distinguish one home they’ve toured from another …… this is a powerful tool!
Send a follow-up email with the SMARTePLAN, either in hard copy file form or a link to MLS or the SMARTePLAN website … all will allow your prospective buyer to access the materials and help remind them of the features and finishes of this property.
And if the furniture-moving floor plan was ordered (SMARTePLAN-IT), potential buyers can arrange furniture directly from the MLS listing for the property. Or… they can knock down walls and move them around if they are contemplating renovating… and will certainly appreciate your thoughtfulness in sending them the file. [Link to Furniture Moving]
What do you spend producing brochures? Are you sometimes caught because they’ve run out? Online SMARTePLANs & integrated amenities are a renewable, online resource. You won’t run out…. and the quality is consistent for the life of the listing. You don’t have to schedule time with the printer, or worry about ink or toner quality.
Yes, a SMARTePLAN is a valuable map to the sale of your properties.